
With the mission of creating great working spaces for our customers, we always try to reach new levels and challenges as much as possible.
Together with APES: “Give us trust, we give you more than satisfaction."

Let's see how APES breathe the vivid life into the office spaces, and reflect the true brand values and working spirit of the corporates.

Marubeni Itochu Steel Office
Marubeni Itochu Steel Office: Elegance Unveiled
Thagaco Office
Thagaco Office: Perfect In Every Line
Tokyo Energy System Office
Tokyo Energy System Office: Unstoppable Power
Mixue Office
Mixue Vietnam Office: Aiming For The Most Convenience And Comfort
CMC Global Office
CMC Global Office: Towards The Global
Carter’s Office
Carter's Office: Miniature Factory In Modern Workspace
Becton Dickinson Office
Becton Dickinson Office: Redefining Efficiency And Professionalism
Pacific Cross Office
Pacific Cross Hanoi Office: Blue Shade Of Hope, Professionalism And Peace
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